To improve, enhance, and promote arts education in Florida.
For every child in every school to have a well-rounded education that includes a comprehensive, sequential, high-quality program of arts instruction; and for all Florida communities to have broad-based cultural programs available to support lifelong learning in and through the arts.
Our Mission and Vision is based on the premise that the arts:
are basic to a complete education;
are essential to the vitality and quality of life in schools and communities;
address both cultural inclusiveness and diversity;
are powerful in the education of students with special needs; and
have a positive impact on student achievement.
Since 1981, Florida Alliance for Arts Education (FAAE) has worked to bring schools and communities together to improve, enhance and promote lifelong learning, in and through the arts, from birth through adulthood.
The Arts are essential to the vitality and quality of life in schools and communities. Education is even more powerful when it includes arts instruction and broad-based cultural programs.
As the statewide umbrella organization for arts education, FAAE touches thousands of lives each year, serving educators, administrators, students, families, and advocates in rural and urban communities throughout Florida.
FAAE works with leading institutions such as the Florida Department of Education and Florida Department of State Division of Cultural Affairs, and supports statewide campaigns such as the Florida Grade Level Reading Campaign.

Our History
Founded in 1989
Arts for a Complete Education (ACE) began in 1989 as a collaborative effort among the Florida Department of State/Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Arts Council, represented by Valerie Ohlsson, Arts in Education; the Florida Department of Education represented by the late June Hinckley, Fine Arts Specialist; and Dr. Mary Palmer, Professor, University of Central Florida. With funding from the National Endowment for the Arts Arts in Basic Education Grant Program, over 150 arts, arts education and community leaders crafted a strategic plan for arts education in Florida. This plan was vetted through 12 public meetings in which over 1,200 citizens participated throughout the state. ACE merged with the Florida Alliance for Arts Education in 1994 to serve as the statewide umbrella organization for arts education in Florida.
Task Force formed to develop an Arts Education Strategic Plan for Florida 100+ people representing education, the arts, and communities worked together to develop the plan. Presented at 10 meetings throughout the state - all input was considered, revised, and finalized.
ACE (Arts for a Complete Education) was formed.
AISBEG (Arts in Basic Education Grant) - funding flowed from the NEA (National Endowment of the Arts) through the Florida Department of State/Division of Cultural Affairs - a collaboration among the Florida Department of Education, the Florida Department of State/Division of Cultural Affairs, and the Florida Arts Council.
FAAE (Florida Alliance for Arts Education) established as a non-profit organization.
First Lady Columbia Bush initiates the “First Lady’s Arts Recognition” resulting in an increase in state funding for arts education.
FAAE develops a business plan with support fro the Denali initiative on Social Enterprise, a program of the Manchester Craftsman Guild.
Arts and the Very Special Learner - Partnership research project with VSA arts of Florida.
The Arts and the Integrated Curriculum document published.
Florida's Action Agenda document published.
Florida Intersections document published.
Alliance received Strategic Planning grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.
ACE Coalition Development Grant: Teacher Assistance Program.
FAAE webpage development.
ACE Coalition Regional Forum held on Student Success
FAAE implements Kennedy Center’s Creative Ticket for Student Success campaign tour.
Florida Higher Education Arts Network (FHEAN) conference held in partnership with ACE/FAAE.
Implementation of standards within school reform.
Sunshine State Standards adopted with arts education included as a core subject.
Goals 2000 Regional Workshop series in partnership with the Florida Department of Education and the Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs.
Florida was the first state to endorse the National Standards for Arts Education - ACE led the effort; role within blueprint and Goals 2000 adopted.
ACE merged with FAAE (Florida Alliance for Arts Education) to build stronger network for arts education; ACE Coalition model established and handbook produced.
The Role of the Arts and in Dropout Prevention (research/document project)
Technology and Arts Education (document published)
Education Commissioner Frank Brogan was actively involved with ACE; provided a close connection with the Governor's Office.
Arts Education Recruitment of Minorities (research/document project).
ACE Teacher Incentive Program established; included published anthology for many years.
State funds to grants were cut, ACE is maintained by funds from the Kennedy Center.
ACE/FAAE publishes Children and the Arts: early intervention arts programs Funding came from the Florida Department of State/Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Department of Education.
ACExpressions newsletter distributed statewide.
ACE Day at the Capitol held; first annual arts education event in Tallahassee.
First Lady Columbia Bush’s Arts for Life! Program moved to the management of the Foundation for Florida’s Future. ACE/FAAE invited to work with the advisory board.
Office moved back to Orlando from Tallahassee.
Through a partnership with the Museum of Florida History and the TREX program of the Department of State, lesson materials were developed to support the Uncle Monday and the other Florida Folk Tales. In collaboration with the university of Central Florida Department of Digital Media, a full-length animation of one of the tales was completed.
Florida First Lady Columba Bush’s Arts Initiative re-branded as “Arts for Life!”
Florida History through Art: The Middle School Murals Project” draws outstanding essays and works of art based on student research emulating Still’s work.
Legislative Leader Award is developed.
Office moved from Orlando to Tallahassee.
Under leadership of FAAE, House Speaker Johnnie Byrd, and June Hinckley (Florida Department of Education), in cooperation with Melane Byrd, "Florida History Through Art" was begun with Florida artist Christopher Still . The project was supported by lesson plans developed by visual arts, social studies, and language arts teachers. Interactive Murals CD developed and distributed across the state.
Coalitions development strengthened.
State adopts Grade Level Expectation (GLEs) for music and art education.
Doris Leeper Award for arts education developed.
Arts Achieve Awards Program for schools developed.
Established Senate President's Student Art Exhibit in Senate Office Building.
Legislation signed by the Governor to include the arts as a core credit within the 19 credits required for graduation, and in student GPA.
Careers in the Arts Workshop is held at the USF Sarasota-Manatee Campus, with presentations from the Asolo Scene Shop, Gena Cristiani Costuming, The Ringling Asian Exhibit, Kuniko Yamamoto Origami Air, Sarasota Contemporary Dance, Deb Lombard Movement, Sarasota Youth Orchestra, and Matt Dendy Violin Looping.
CPALMS opens the Arts for a Complete Education (ACE) Collection of lesson plans and resources for use in Florida schools.
Pilot for a REDI area teaching artist residency in the Belle Glade area of Palm Beach County is conducted, with funds from a National Endowment for the Arts Special Initiative Program through the Division of Cultural Affairs.
Florida Teaching Artist Roster plans are discussed throughout the state with guidance from the Division of Cultural Affairs.
FAAE and the FDOE launch the first Advancing Arts Education program.
The Annual Arts Integration Symposium “Arts and Restorative Justice” was held at the Jacksonville Museum for Contemporary Art.
Through a sponsorship from the University of South Florida’s Center for Partners in Arts Integrated Teaching, six “PAInT Across Florida” professional development events occurred in Broward, Duval, Hillsborough, Lee, Leon, and Manatee Counties.
The Annual Leadership Summit was held at the Riverside Hotel in Fort Lauderdale and honored Nancy Roucher with the Dr. Mary Palmer Trailblazer Legacy Award. Seven schools received the Florida Arts Model Schools Designation.
The Dr. Mary Palmer Trailblazer Legacy Award is established.
Four schools received the Florida Arts Model Schools designation at the Annual Leadership Summit in Fort Lauderdale.
Office moved from Orlando to Sarasota.
Careers in the Arts Workshop Series held at Full Sail University, Ringling College of Art and Design, and Florida State University.
Strategic Plan Phase 1 completed.
Fourteen Schools received the Florida Arts Model Schools Designation at the Annual Leadership Summit in Daytona Beach.
First Careers in the Arts Workshop Series held at UCF-Valencia and the University of Florida’s Digital Worlds Institute.
First Florida Arts Model Schools Designations (fifteen).