Arts Integration Symposia Series
Free for FAAE Members; Non-Members $6/session. (Individual members, enter your email address as the promo code. Not an individual member? Check with your employer - district, school or organization - if they're a member, their membership is passed along to you.) In addition to the online webinar series, FAAE is planning in-person Arts Integration Symposia events around the state. Stay tuned!
Arts Integration is an approach to teaching and learning in which authentic connections between the arts and other aspects of the curriculum are made in order to achieve desired learning outcomes (goals/objectives) in both subject areas.
The Series provides professional development and training for teachers, teaching artists, and community arts partners. Each Symposium offers a single day of outstanding sessions delivered by local and statewide exemplar practitioners of arts integration. Sessions are designed to launch or extend your successful implementation of arts integration strategies, provide up-to-date information on State and National Standards as well as tips on making the arts accessible to all of your students.
Who should attend these Symposia?
Interested educators of all disciplines
School Teams, including principal, arts teachers, classroom/subject area teachers
Teaching Artists
Arts organization representatives
Community builders and interested citizens;
College and University students interested in education and the arts
Recent Events
Arts Integration Symposium
REACHing All Students through the Power of Arts Integration
January 27, 2024
USF PAInT and REACH Introduction presented by
Dr. Denise Davis-Cotton, USF PAInT Center Director/REACH Project Manager
Arts Integration Pedagogy and Practice presented by Donna Wissinger, Teaching Artist and Flutist
Visual Arts and Technology presented by Nathan Selikoff, Teaching Artist
Force and Motion through Arts Integration presented by Karen Bell, Teaching Artist
Arts Integration Webinar Series
July 2023
Arts Integration with Specialty Classes: from ESE to ESOL presented by Edna M. Bland
Arts Integration is not a Theory but a Way Of Life presented by Sarah Sprinkel
Adding Movement to Learning presented by Shane Bland
Transdisciplinarity, Learning and Leading for the Arts presented by Dr. Enrique A. Puig
Reading the Picture presented by Susan Merrill Rosoff
You Make a Difference! presented by Dr. Mary Palmer