Advancing Arts Education
The Florida Department of Education supports a complete and comprehensive education that includes dance, music, theater, and visual arts for all Florida students. The Advancing Arts Education (AAE) program recognizes schools with underserved/emerging arts programs who desire to develop or enhance their programs. One school will be selected from each of the three regions of Florida: North, Central, and South. As an AAE School, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with an expert consultant(s) in the field of arts and arts integration techniques in developing a plan designed to develop or enhance an arts program in your school.
We at the Florida Department of Education, and the Florida Alliance for Arts Education through the Arts for a Complete Education (ACE) Grant Program, are pleased to announce the Advancing Arts Education Grant Recipients for 2020-2021!
2020-2021 Advancing Arts Education Recipients
Bay High School
Amanda Hunt, Visual Art Teacher
Panama City, Bay County
Billy May, Principal
Music Teacher Beth Ann Delmar, School Board Member Steve Moss, Art Teacher Ashley Williams, Administrator Michael Petty, Principal Becki Reeder, and FAAE Mentor Jennifer Jones and DPE Students.
Cambridge Elementary School
Emily Thompson, Art Teacher
Cocoa, Brevard County
Gina Tagye, Principal
Superintendent (and retired Band Director!) Bob Shayman, Principal Tammy Pohl, Art Teacher (and music and garden clubs coordinator!) Laura Wells, Deputy Superintendent Todd Durden, and Assistant Principal Leigh LaJeunesse.
Santaluces High School
Lissen Ellington, Theatre Teacher
Lantana, Palm Beach County
Tameka Robinson, Principal
FAAE Mentor Dr. Tenaj Davis, Dance Now! Miami Dance Artist Benicka Grant, Principal Maria Formoso, Dance Teacher Renea Moss, and MHS Ballet Students.