Didgeridoo Down Under Show: Australian Music, Culture, Character Building & More!

Program Description

The DDU Show is an energetic fusion of Australian music, culture, art, science, comedy, character building, anti-bullying and audience participation. The didgeridoo has been played by Aboriginal Australians for at least 1,500 years, and is known for its otherworldly sound. DDU performer Darren Liebman plays a variety of exotic didgeridoos and worldly percussion instruments, demonstrating various playing styles and upbeat rhythms. He also uses a multitude of props – motivational signs, maps, globes, artifacts, artwork, puppets and more – to deliver educational lessons and empowering messages. The program is very participatory, and several segments involve students playing instruments, dancing or acting out a story. DDU is interactive, educational, motivational and super fun for al ages!

(We also offer didgeridoo workshops, residencies and virtual programs. Hundreds of references are available upon request.)

Cultural Origin



In-school program

Available dates/times

We perform year-round. Contact Darren for availability.

Max # of students


Length of program

45-60 minutes, whatever works best for the school


Fees vary, depending on driving distance and other factors. Contact Darren for more info.

Lesson plans


 Booking Contact

Name – Darren Liebman

Email – darren@didgrevolution.com

Phone – (813) 833-8856


Protect the Planet: World Music, Earth Science & Ecological Entertainment!