
To improve, enhance, and promote arts education in Florida.


For every child in every school to have a well-rounded education that includes a comprehensive, sequential, high-quality program of arts instruction; and for all Florida communities to have broad-based cultural programs available to support lifelong learning in and through the arts.

Our Mission and Vision is based on the premise that the arts:

  • are basic to a complete education;
  • are essential to the vitality and quality of life in schools and communities;
  • address both cultural inclusiveness and diversity;
  • are powerful in the education of students with special needs; and
  • have a positive impact on student achievement.

Since 1981, Florida Alliance for Arts Education (FAAE) has worked to bring schools and communities together to improve, enhance and promote lifelong learning, in and through the arts, from birth through adulthood.

The Arts are essential to the vitality and quality of life in schools and communities. Education is even more powerful when it includes arts instruction and broad-based cultural programs.

As the statewide umbrella organization for arts education, FAAE touches thousands of lives each year, serving educators, administrators, students, families, and advocates in rural and urban communities throughout Florida.

FAAE works with leading institutions such as the Florida Department of Education and Florida Department of State Division of Cultural Affairs, and supports statewide campaigns such as the Florida Grade Level Reading Campaign.